Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi is amongst the most unique festivals celebrated by Hindus all across India and around the world. This sacred festival is celebrated on the poornima of Shravan month (falls during July-August) as per the Hindu calendar. The festival of Raksha Bandhan commemorates the special bond of love shared by a brother and a sister. On this auspicious day, according to the tradition, sister ties a sacred thread “Rakhi” on her brother’s wrist and wishes for his good health and prosperity. In return, brother pledges to protect his sister when the need arises. On this Raksha Bandhan, if your brother/sister residing away in Philadelphia cannot visit you, then send him/her beautiful Rakhi gifts instead. Wondering how you can do it and that too in most cost effective way? Then, log on to awesomeji.com and place an online order to send Rakhi gifts to Philadelphia, using our e-gift portal. Now you can send Rakhi and Rakhi presents online to Philadelphia from anywhere in the world. In our collection, we offer a range of beautiful Rakhis and Rakhi gifts for you to buy online and place order. Also, our well organized online service offers time-bound delivery of Rakhi gifts to Philadelphia and popular cities of Pittsburg, Allentown, Scranton, Reading, Bethlehem, Lancaster etc.