Raksha Bandhan, also referred to as Rakhi, is one of the most important festive occasions of India. This delightful festival represents the unconditional love shared by a brother and sister in India and all Indians across the world. The festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of Shravan month, as per the Hindu calendar. On this day, a sister ties Rakhi, a silk thread, around her brother’s wrist wishing for his good health and happiness for life. On the other hand, in return, the brother promises to protect his sister against all evils for life and presents her gifts to show his love towards her. It is not necessary that only a brother should present gifts to sisters; one can do it vice-versa, as it is the matter of feelings and emotional bond shared between the two. On this Raksha Bandhan, surprise your brother / sister by sending attractive Rakhi presents online to Auckland using our delivery service. You can buy/order cheap Rakhi gifts for New Zealand delivery to delight your loved ones. We provide speedy delivery service to Auckland and other major cities of New Zealand, such as Wellington, Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Hastings, Napier, etc. Leaf through this section and explore a new world of variety of Rakhis and Rakhi gifts.