The revered festival of Raksha Bandhan is observed on ‘Shravan Purnima’, of the Hindu month of Shravan, as per the Hindu lunisolar calendar. This blissful festival celebrates the unconditional bond shared between a brother and sister. As per traditions, on this day, the sister ties a sacred thread, known as Rakhi, around her brother’s wrist and wishes for his good fortune and health. In return, the brother promises to take care of her for life and give her presents as an epitome of his love towards her. If on this Raksha Bandhan, you cannot visit your brother or sister living in New York personally, then you can send beautiful Rakhi and Rakhi gifts instead. Using our e-gift portal, you can send attractive Rakhi presents online to New York at cheap cost. In our collection we offer a wide range of Rakhis and Rakhi gifts to send to New York. In order to buy cheap Rakhi gifts for United States delivery, you can scroll through the collection given and here and make your selection. Send Rakhi gifts to New York and other major cities of United States, such as Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Sacramento etc. at cheap rates.