Raksha Bandhan, commonly known as Rakhi, is one of the most special Hindu festivals celebrating the beautiful relationship of a brother and sister. In other words, this enduring festival honors the unconditional love as well as the bond of unique affection shared between the siblings. Raksha Bandhan occurs on the full moon day (Shravan Poornima) of the Shravan month, in the Hindu lunisolar calendar. On this auspicious day, sisters tie a sacred thread on their brother’s wrist wishing for his good health and fortune and in return, brothers promise to protect them for life and offer gifts and presents. However, it is not necessary that a brother should only offer presents to his sisters, but it is a matter of feelings and love. So, on this Rakhi, if your brother / sister is away in Vancouver and you want to surprise him/her with exclusive Rakhi and Rakhi gifts, then we are here to help. You can order online and send beautiful Rakhi presents online to Vancouver, using our delivery service at cheap cost. Also, our shopping portal offers you to buy/order cheap Rakhi gifts for Canada delivery. Send Rakhi gifts to Vancouver and its surrounding cities, like Victoria, Kelowna, Kamloops, Prince George, Abbotsford, Kimberley, etc.