Celebrated on the full moon day of Shravan month as per Hindu calendar, the festival of Raksha Bandhan holds uniqueness in itself. This delightful festival commemorates the beautiful and unconditional relationship shared by a brother and sister. On Raksha Bandhan, a sister ties Rakhi (a sacred thread) depicting the love and wishes of good health, around her brother’s wrist. In return, the brother presents gifts and money, and promises to protect her from every evil for life. This Raksha Bandhan, surprise your brother / sister living in Durban, by sending beautiful Rakhi and Rakhi gifts. Now you must be thinking how you can do so? We are here to help you out. To send Rakhi presents online to Durban, you just have to buy and order at our shopping portal and we will deliver it right away. We offer you to buy cheap Rakhi gifts for South Africa delivery to major cities, such as Johannesburg, Soweto, Cape Town, Pretoria, Umlazi, etc. Send Rakhi gifts to Durban with a leaf through our wide collection to select your favorite.